
The Law and Climate Atlas was created by the Centre for Climate Engagement, based at Hughes Hall at the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance. Editors of the Atlas wrote and reviewed sections, and managed the site’s development. Contributors wrote additional sections within the Atlas. Reviewers provided feedback on individual sections relevant to their area of expertise, with other reviews having been provided by teams within firms that are part of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance. Content within each section does not reflect the views of any individuals listed below, and does not constitute legal advice.

United Kingdom

Róisín Finnegan
Nick Scott
Sofie Surraco
Marike van Kooten
Emilios Hadjiandreou
Rana Hassan
Alex Lau
Gaia Lisi
Kakoly Pande
Gabrielle Regimbal
Jelena Solovjova
Nathalie Allen
Tim Barnden
Emma Brecknock
Nigel Brook
Alex Cooper
Jamie Foster
Markus Gehring
Stefanie Geringer
William Hays
Rachel Richardson
Tejas Rao
Samuel Ruiz-Tagle
Niall Prior
Jenna Wong

United States

Hannah WhiteAdam Reynolds
Jamie Smith
Martin Stepanyan
Baker McKenzie
Hogan Lovells