
Administrative Law and Climate Change

Public bodies and decision makers now have climate-related obligations and may face judicial review if they fail to meet them. More →

Antitrust (Competition) Law and Climate Change

Antitrust law not only prevents anticompetitive practices but acts as a catalyst for green innovation and technologies. More →

Climate Change Litigation in the US

Climate change litigation is an avenue for challenging insufficient government and private industry responses to climate change. More →

Company Law and Climate Change

Companies have a key role to play in the net zero transition, and are subject to a growing number of legal requirements related to climate change. More →

Contract Law and Climate Change

Contracts let a wide range of actors create legally binding climate commitments without waiting for legislation or litigation. More →

Corporation Law and Climate Change

Legal tools are being deployed within existing corporation law frameworks to hold corporations accountable for their environmental impacts. More →

Criminal Law and Climate Change

Criminal law is one of many legal areas that will likely see an increased focus on climate change. More →

Environmental Law and Climate Change

Climate change is linked to many other environmental issues and the legal regimes that aim to address them. More →

Financial Law and Climate Change

Many new laws and regulations aim to use the financial system to drive emissions reductions. More →

Human Rights Law and Climate Change

Human rights are closely linked to climate change, creating challenges and opportunities for human rights law regimes. More →

Immigration Law and Climate Change

Climate change will drive migration, which immigration law must facilitate. More →

Insurance Law and Climate Change

Insurance is crucial to managing climate risks, and may even play a role in reducing emissions. More →

Insurance Law and Climate Change

The interplay between insurance law and climate change raises complex legal questions. More →

Planning Law and Climate Change

Planning law can be leveraged to ensure low-carbon development and accelerate the deployment of green infrastructure. More →

Tort Law and Climate Change

There have been many efforts to address damage from climate change using tort law but claims often struggle to fit climate impacts into traditional tort law principles. More →

Tort Law and Climate Change

Tort law, traditionally focused on personal injuries and property damage, may also address damage caused by climate change. More →