Private Law

Commercial Arbitration and Climate Change

Climate change issues are now directly and indirectly relevant to international commercial arbitration. More →

Company Law and Climate Change

Companies have a key role to play in the net zero transition, and are subject to a growing number of legal requirements related to climate change. More →

Competition Law and Climate Change

Businesses must collaborate to tackle the climate crisis, but this can raise competition law concerns. More →

Contract Law and Climate Change

Contracts let a wide range of actors create legally binding climate commitments without waiting for legislation or litigation. More →

Contract Law and Climate Change

Contracts can create specific obligations that may be pivotal to the transition to net zero. More →

Employment Law and Climate Change

The net zero transition is changing workplaces, creating climate-related employment law issues. More →

Financial Law and Climate Change

Many new laws and regulations aim to use the financial system to drive emissions reductions. More →

Insurance Law and Climate Change

Insurance is crucial to managing climate risks, and may even play a role in reducing emissions. More →

Intellectual Property Law and Climate Change

Intellectual property law is highly relevant to the many new products and technologies that address climate change. More →

Property Law and Climate Change

Legal mechanisms may help buyers, sellers, and renters address climate change. More →

Tort Law and Climate Change

There have been many efforts to address damage from climate change using tort law but claims often struggle to fit climate impacts into traditional tort law principles. More →