Antitrust (Competition) Law and Climate Change
Antitrust law not only prevents anticompetitive practices but acts as a catalyst for green innovation and technologies. More →

Competition Law and Climate Change
Businesses must collaborate to tackle the climate crisis, but this can raise competition law concerns. More →

Consumer Law and Climate Change
The rise of environmentally conscious consumers and a growing emphasis on sustainability are driving changes in UK consumer law. More →

Contract Law and Climate Change
Contracts can create specific obligations that may be pivotal to the transition to net zero. More →

Corporation Law and Climate Change
Legal tools are being deployed within existing corporation law frameworks to hold corporations accountable for their environmental impacts. More →

European Union Law and Climate Change
The European Union has many important climate laws which remain relevant to the UK. More →

Intellectual Property Law and Climate Change
Intellectual property law is highly relevant to the many new products and technologies that address climate change. More →

Investment Treaty Arbitration and Climate Change
Investment treaty arbitration plays an increasingly important role in disputes over policies aimed at mitigating climate change. More →

Maritime Law and Climate Change
Climate change is having a significant impact on oceans, which in turn influences the legal frameworks which govern them. More →

Securities Law and Climate Change
The convergence of climate change and financial regulations has implications for the financial sector and its regulatory frameworks. More →

Tort Law and Climate Change
There have been many efforts to address damage from climate change using tort law but claims often struggle to fit climate impacts into traditional tort law principles. More →