United States of America

As the world’s largest economy and second largest emitter, the United States has significant impact on global greenhouse gas emissions and trends in climate change science and policy. US commitment to effective climate regulation is critical to international environmental efforts, considering its capacity to foster innovation and growth in green technologies and decarbonization.

The below sections outline the intersections between various fields of US law and climate change. The US Law and Climate Atlas was developed by the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance in collaboration with the Centre for Climate Engagement at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge.


Antitrust (Competition) Law and Climate Change

Antitrust law not only prevents anticompetitive practices but acts as a catalyst for green innovation and technologies. More →

Climate Change Litigation in the US

Climate change litigation is an avenue for challenging insufficient government and private industry responses to climate change. More →

Contract Law and Climate Change

Contracts can create specific obligations that may be pivotal to the transition to net zero. More →

Corporation Law and Climate Change

Legal tools are being deployed within existing corporation law frameworks to hold corporations accountable for their environmental impacts. More →

Criminal Law and Climate Change

Criminal law is one of many legal areas that will likely see an increased focus on climate change. More →

Environmental Law and Climate Change

Environmental law remains one of the principal legal areas in which climate change is confronted directly. More →

Human Rights and Climate Change

Over the last two decades, a global consensus has emerged that climate change has human rights implications. More →

Immigration Law and Climate Change

Immigration law in the US in its current form is ill-equipped to deal with the challenges posed by climate change. More →

Insurance Law and Climate Change

The interplay between insurance law and climate change raises complex legal questions. More →

International Trade Law and Climate Change

Trade law and policy has been central to the growth of global emissions and will be instrumental to effectuating a global green transition. More →

Labor Law and Climate Change

The intensifying impacts of climate change will have a significant impact on domestic and international labor markets. More →

Public International Law and Climate Change

The international climate regime works in conjunction with public international law to address the direct and indirect impacts of climate change. More →

Securities Law and Climate Change

The convergence of climate change and financial regulations has implications for the financial sector and its regulatory frameworks. More →

Supply Chain Considerations and Climate Change

The principles of a circular economy offer one solution to improving supply chain issues. More →

Tax Law and Climate Change

Government taxation can be utilized to both encourage climate action, and disincentivize behavior that causes greenhouse gas emissions. More →

Tort Law and Climate Change

Tort law, traditionally focused on personal injuries and property damage, may also address damage caused by climate change. More →